Don’t let apathy steal your potential…

From time to time, we all feel apathy. Apathy is the feeling of helplessness or powerlessness. When we are experiencing apathy, we might say “I just don’t care”, “I can’t be bothered” or “I’m so over it”. It’s the internal energy of being pushed to a point that you feel defeated.

I have a friend who is struggling with a career decision. She can’t bring herself to sign an engagement contract.  The feeling of “I couldn’t be bothered” comes up.  My Friend has feeling of being stuck or stagnant.  These are common feelings association with apathy.

Apathy is a very dense, heavy energy.  According to David R Hawkins author of The Map of Consciousness Explained, apathy has an energy level 50.  To put that in perspective shame is at 20 with feelings like hiding away and we want to be invisible.  Grief’s energy level is 75 with feelings like are regret, sadness, loss and mouning.  All the above makes one feel heavy and tired.

Back to my friend with the career decision; She was unable to see clearly due the apathy clouding her view.  Recently in her life she has experienced a relationship breakdown.  A long meaningful friendship was ruptured.  When my friend was in the presence of this person, she felt the need to be small, she felt like she was walking on eggshells. She had to consider every action and word so not to agitate them.  In the end she decided for her own selfcare she needed time away from this friendship.

It is incredible difficult when one becomes aware of a family member or friend is becoming detrimental/toxic to one’s wellness.  And I commend my friend for having this insight and strength to take time out.

However, the consequence of this relationship has left my friend feeling worthless and isolated.  It is a particularly challenging time. And her words “I’m over it”.   My friend’s light has been dimed and keeping herself small to keep the peace in the friendship. 

It is difficult when we becomes aware of a family member or friend is becoming detrimental/toxic to one’s wellness.  And I commend my friend for having this insight and strength to take time out.

However, the consequence of this relationship has left my friend feeling worthless and isolated.  It is a particularly challenging time, and her words “I’m over it”.   My friend’s light has been dimed and keeping herself small to keep the peace in the friendship. 

So my question to my friend is how can you make a career decision when you are in the depth of apathy.  Everything you view will be from the apathy filter, it will make any future look unappealing.

So how do we flip apathy.  Being a self-directed healing practitioner, I say get a session.  SDH can move apathy. However, they are things you can do on a daily basis to help kick apathy to the curb. 

  1. Do activities you enjoy, get creative, play some uplifting music

  2. Spend times with friends and family, it will be a push but do it for your selfcare

  3. Helping others is a great remedy. 

  4. Animals are great for apathy, the little critters lift our energy

  5. Get moving, a gentle walk

  6. Get some sunshine, 10 minutes a day

Apathy plays a major role in our mental wellness, and sometimes apathy leads us to rock bottom where is are forces to acknowledge our powerlessness.

Has my friend signed her contract…. I don’t know.  My hope for my friend is that she is able to move the apathy so she can have more clarity around her career decision and she doesn’t miss out on an opportunity because apathy had stolen her perspective.

Has apathy stollen your perspective, are you struggling with self-worth and feelings of being stuck. Don’t let apathy rob you of your potential, book a free discovery call. 


Simple, Presence, Loving Kindness


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